
Instructions for Single Tender Procedures for Service


In order to facilitate the process of elaboration of tender dossiers and conducting of single tender procedures for service, the Managing Authority has drafted additional instructions, supplementing the Project implementation manual and the PRAG. The instructions follow the main steps and the minimal set of documents, applicable to the single tenders for service.

The instructions are available HERE

Providing service for “Organization of events under Interreg - IPA CBC Programmes Bulgaria - Serbia, Bulgaria - the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Bulgaria - Turkey”


Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works of the Republic of Bulgaria, Directorate General “Territorial Cooperation Management” intends to award a service contract for organization of events under Interreg - IPA CBC Programmes Bulgaria - Serbia, Bulgaria - the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Bulgaria – Turkey.

The tender dossier is available HERE

Supply of office furniture under Interreg-IPA Cross-border Programmes, managed by the Republic of Bulgaria


Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works of the Republic of Bulgaria, the Directorate General “Territorial Cooperation Management” intends to award a supply contract for delivery, fitting and installation of office furniture for the needs of the Interreg-IPA CBC Programmes Bulgaria - Serbia, Bulgaria - the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Bulgaria – Turkey.


The tender dossier is available HERE


Training for beneficiary whose projects are additionaly funded under the First Call


On 27 June 2017 at the Joint  Secretariat in Kyustendil  held training for beneficiary whose projects are additionally funded under the First Call for project proposals

Updated ranking of the project proposals under the First Call - 09.06.2017


Updated ranking of the project proposals under the First Call for proposals No 2014TC16I5CB006 – 2015 – 1 after complaint, pre-contracting and contracting procedures according to JMC Decisions from 14 April 2016, 23 June 2016, 28 September 2016 28 December 2016 and 22 March 2017


Fourth Joint Monitoring Committee meeting


The fourth Joint Monitoring Committee meeting under Interreg-IPA CBC Bulgaria - the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 2014-2020 Programme was held on 30th of May, in the premises of the Business Incubator - Berovo, reconstructed with the financial support of our IPA - CBC Programme within the previous programme period under the project ”Business Incubator – Economic Development and Visibility of the Border region” .


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