Tender procedure for ”Consultancy, research and training" under project CB006.2.12.085 “Establishment of a dialogue of care: our shared responsibility towards the future”


Tender procedure for ”Consultancy, research and training" under project CB006.2.12.085 “Establishment of a dialogue of care: our shared responsibility towards the future”

Ref. № CB006.2.12.085 - Consultancy, research and training

Karbinci Municipality intends to award a service contract for ”Consultancy, research and training" under project CB006.2.12.085 “Establishment of a dialogue of care: our shared responsibility towards the future” Second call for proposals №2014TC16I5CB006, financed under the Interreg-IPA Cross-border Cooperation Republic of Bulgaria and Republic of North Macedonia 2014-2020”. The tender dossier is available from the Karbinci Municipality (official address: Municipality of Karbinci, v. Karbinci, 2207, Karbinci) and it is published online on the website of the contracting authority at https://www.karbinci.gov.mk and on the website of the Programme at: http://www.ipa-cbc-007.eu/public-tenders.

The deadline for submission of tender is 29.10.2021, at 17:00 pm (local time).

Possible additional information or clarifications/questions shall be published on the website of the Contracting authority: https://www.karbinci.gov.mk and on the website of the Programme at: http://www.ipa-cbc-007.eu/public-tenders.


The tender dossier is available HERE


The Contracting Authority is the body responsible for clarifications in relation to the tender.

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