Tender procedure for Supply of Composters, under the project “Think Composting - dedication to the organic full circle”
Publication reference: CB006.1.11.013-04

The Centre for development of the South-East planning region is launching a tender procedure for Supply of Composters, under the project “Think Composting - dedication to the organic full circle” financed by Interreg-IPA CBC Programme Bulgaria - the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, 2014-2020 with Ref. № CB006.1.11.013-04. The tender dossier is available for inspection at Centre for development of the South-East planning region, Strumica, st. Boro Dzoni no.10, 2400 Strumica and published on following websites:
http://www.ipa-cbc-007.eu/; www.rdc.mk/southeastregion
The deadline for submission of tender is 09.06.2017, 16:00 (local time).
Possible additional information or clarifications/questions shall be published on following websites:
http://www.ipa-cbc-007.eu/; www.rdc.mk/southeastregion
The tender dossier is available HERE