
Questions and Answers for the simplified tender procedure for Elaboration of two Territorial strategies for integrated measures to be financed under the INTERREG - IPA CB cooperation programmes 2021 -2027


Questions and Answers for the simplified tender procedure for “Elaboration of two Territorial strategies for integrated measures to be financed under the INTERREG - IPA CB cooperation programmes 2021 -2027 between the Republic of Bulgaria and respectively the Republic of North Macedonia and the Republic of Turkey” is available HERE


This is Europe - episode 4 "What now for Europe?"


Interreg launching a brand new communication initiative, Interreg podcasts. Called "What now for Europe?", it will transport you to the four corners of Europe to listen to regular citizens talking about how Interreg has changed their lives for the better.

These are real stories of real people, told in their own words and bringing out the real impact of our work.

European Cooperation Day 2020 / 30 years of Interreg


In the spirit of tradition, this year on 21st of September our Programme celebrated the European Cooperation Day and in 2020 we additionally celebrated the 30th anniversary of Interreg.

Online event for the celebration of European Cooperation Day and 30 years of Interreg


Dear beneficiaries and friends,

We invite you to watch our online event for the celebration of European Cooperation Day and 30 years of cooperation under the Interreg programmes.
We are starting on our facebook fan page on 21 of September at 15.00 CET.

We are expecting you!


Trainings for the Bulgarian management team members of projects funded under the Second call


Trainings for the Bulgarian management team members of projects funded under the Second call


District Administration Kyustendil - 2 floor

Demokratsiya Str. 44А, 2500 Kyustendil

Oнлајн анкета



Во тек е извршување на ревизија на успешност од страна на Државниот завод за ревизија на тема ,, Програма Интерег-ИПА за прекугранична соработка помеѓу Република Северна Македонија – Република Бугарија( 2014 -2020). Од страна на Државен завод за ревизија изготвена е  Анкета-Прашалник со цел да добиеме  информации и сознание за евентуални проблеми и пречки со кои се соочувате при аплицирање и имплементирање на евентуалните проекти субвенционирани од страна на Програмата. 

5th Joint Monitoring Committee meeting


Тhe Joint Monitoring Committee of the Interreg - IPA CBC Programme CCI Number 2014TC16I5CB006  will hold a session on 30 January 2018 in the town of Kyustendil, Bulgaria.


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