Shift -> towards online and offline enterpreneurship community

Project code:CB006.1.31.190
Project call:CB006.1
Priority axis / Specific objective:3.1 Improving the competitiveness of regional businesses
Type of project:Soft
Project duration in months:15
Project final contract amount:91297.89 €
Project EU co-financing rate:85.00 %
Project start date:17.10.2016
Project end date:16.01.2018
Project intervention field:104 Self-employment, entrepreneurship and business creation including innovative micro, small and medium sized enterprises
Project summary:

The project focuses on the need in the cross border region for development of employability skills and self-responsible attitude towards employment. The main idea is to offer a space not only for learning but a space that will also serve as a community for sharing, practicing and exchanging ideas. 
The project will be implemented through various activities, among which are the creation of an online platform for learning and sharing positive practices from Bulgaria and Macedonia, seminars, a study visit in the CB region, and a caravan as a final activity where all the outcomes and on spot offline and online activities will be organized for local communities in 6 municipalities in Bulgaria and Macedonia. In this way the opportunity for professional development will be accessible even for the most disadvantaged groups. 
The outcomes of this project are: a number of participants who will attend the seminars in the CB region, a number of successful entrepreneurs who will receive the space to share their knowledge and use the platform for capacity building of their employees, a number of created networks for future cooperation in the CB region and a joint start-up and self-employment initiative.


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Leading partner
Association Center for Intercultural Dialogue
North-east region
No Frontiers 21 Century Association