Cross Border Center For Support Of Roma Business

Project code:CB006.1.31.067
Project call:CB006.1
Priority axis / Specific objective:3.1 Improving the competitiveness of regional businesses
Type of project:Soft
Project duration in months:15
Project final contract amount:104049.06 €
Project EU co-financing rate:85.00 %
Project start date:17.10.2016
Project end date:16.01.2018
Project intervention field:103 Sustainable integration into the labour market of young people...
Project summary:

The main goal of the project is to increase the competitiveness of regional companies by supporting innovative and creative ideas coming from women and youth in the Roma community, encouraging them to start their own business. The project presents good practices, establishes contacts with successful entrepreneurs and visiting companies from the partner region, establishes links with representatives of business organizations, organizes trainings and compiles a guide for preparing a business plan promoting cross-border cooperation between entrepreneurs, helping them to implement joint activities. A "Cross-Border Center" has been established to support the development of Roma business on both sides of the border, partnership and cooperation has been established between Roma entrepreneurs from the border region. The project is aimed at building capacity in Roma youth, women and entrepreneurs from the two municipalities of Blagoevgrad and Kochani, improving the quality of life of Roma community, their families and the economic development of the region.


Project website:


Leading partner
L.I.D.E.R.- persons idea and actions for effective solutions
Association of Roma ''AVENA, Kochani
East region