Cross-Border Cooperation in Forest Fire Fighting

Project code:CB006.2.12.122
Project call:CB006.2
Priority axis / Specific objective:1.2 Prevention and mitigation of consequences of natural and man-caused disasters of cross-border dimension and impact
Type of project:Investment
Project duration in months:24
Project final contract amount:395361.14 €
Project EU co-financing rate:85.00 %
Project start date:18.02.2021
Project end date:17.02.2023
Project intervention field:087 Adaptation to climate change measures and prevention and management of climate related risks e.g. erosion, fires, flooding, storms and drought, including awareness raising, civil protection and disaster management systems and infrastructures
Project summary:

The aim of the project is to build a cross-border partner network for prevention and response to natural and environmental hazards of a permanent nature. During the implementation of the project, public attention is expected to increase on the benefits of volunteering and forest fire prevention. The project will increase the capacity and equipment of the fire services and voluntary formations concerning the population of the whole cross-border region, will also improve the qualification of the representatives of the fire and volunteer formations.




Leading partner
Association of South Western Municipalities - Bulgaria
Centre for development of the South-East planning region
South-east region