Building of water supply system
Building of water supply system
Publication reference: CB006.1.21.207-01/Works/PP1
Municipality of Berovo intends to award a work contract for Building infrastructure for sustainable development of tourism at Berovo Lake, Berovo – Republic of Macedonia under Subsidy Contract No CB006.1.21.207-01/Works/PP1 with financial assistance from the Interreg – IPA CBC Programme Bulgaria – the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 2014-2020. The tender dossier is available for inspection at Municipality of Berovo, str. Dimitar Vlahov № 10, 2330, Berovo, Republic of Macedonia and published on following websites:;
The deadline for submission of tender is 13.03.2017 - 12:00h (local time).
Possible additional information or clarifications/questions shall be published on following websites:;
The tender dossier is available HERE