CANCELLATION OF A TENDER PROCEDURE for "Construction works for Kadin bridge in Nevestino"
CANCELLATION OF A TENDER PROCEDURE for "Construction works for Kadin bridge in Nevestino"
Publication reference: CB006.2.21.108 - W
1. Publication reference
2. Date of publication
3. Programme title
Interreg-IPA CBC Programme between Republic of Bulgaria and Republic of North Macedonia, Call for Proposals No. 2014TC16I5CB006 – 2018 -2
4. Contracting authority
Municipality of Nevestino
17 Vladimir Poptomov str.,
Nevestino, 2595
Phone: +359 7915 2230, Fax No: N/A
5. Reason for cancellation
The tender procedure is cancelled on the basis of clause 2.6.13 of PRAG - all technically acceptable tenders exceed the financial resources available.