Urban landscaping and installation of urban equipment on the location touristic settlement Mantovo – Municipality of Konche
Urban landscaping and installation of urban equipment on the location touristic settlement Mantovo – Municipality of Konche, Contract No. РД-02-29-211/17.10.2016
Publication reference: 09-305/1
Municipality of Konche intends to award a work contract for “Urban landscaping and installation of urban equipment on the location touristic settlement Mantovo” - Tourist Settlement at Mantovo lake, Municipality of Konche, within the project “Enhancing the tourism potential of the Municipalities of Kyustendil and Konche - A Sustainable Joint Future”. with financial assistance from the Interreg-IPA CBC Programme Bulgaria – the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia - CCI No. 2014TC16I5CB006.
The tender dossier is available for inspection at the programme website, as well as on the website of the municipality:
http://www.ipa-cbc-007.eu/ & http://www.konce.gov.mk/
The deadline for submission of the tender i.e. offer is 16:00 hours local time, 05.04.2017.
Possible additional information, changes or clarifications/questions shall be published on the above mentioned website.
The tender dossier is available HERE