Откажување на тендерска постапка за „Набавка на лична заштитна опрема, заштитна облека и друга противпожарна опрема“


Откажување на тендерска постапка за „Набавка на лична заштитна опрема, заштитна облека и друга противпожарна опрема“

Референтен број: CB006.2.12.122-LP-Equipment



II.1.1) Contract Notice Title: Supply of personal protective equipment, protective clothing and other fire-fighting equipment and gear, in lots:

LOT 1: Firefighting gear and personal protective equipment and clothing

LOT 2: Firefighting equipment

II.1.1) Contract Notice Reference Number: CB006.2.12.122-LP-Equipment


Section V: Award of contract

Contract No: N/A
LOT 1: Firefighting gear and personal protective equipment and clothing

LOT 2: Firefighting equipment

A contract/lot is awarded: no.

V.1) Information on non-award

The contract/lot is not awarded:

Justification: The economic or technical data of the project have fundamentally changed. A number of questions and requests for clarification have been made in the course of the tender procedure, requiring closer examination of the specifications of items requested in both lots. Furthermore, a number of discussions have been conducted with the voluntary fire brigades in the cross-border area, who have raised concerns that equipment with such specifications would not be compatible with already existing gear. Such equipment and gear would not meet the needs of the target group. Thus, the tender procedure shall be discontinued and relaunched when the specifications are more precise.

VI.3) Additional information:

Should a new tender procedure be launched for this project, a new contract notice will be published, unless the contracting authority awards the contract through a negotiated procedure – in which case only the award of the contract will be published.


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