Откажување на тендерска постапка за "Набавка на опрема за гаснење пожари" во 4 лота
Откажување на тендерска постапка за "Набавка на опрема за гаснење пожари" во 4 лота
Референтен број: CB006.2.12.067-SUPPLY-PP2-2
II.1.1) Contract Notice Title: Supply of equipment for firefighting in 4 lots:
LOT 1: Supply of pick-up truck with a complete equipment for firefighting;
LOT 2: Supply of firefighting Command vehicle;
LOT 3: Supply of personal protective equipment for firefighters;
LOT 4: Supply of fire hoses.
II.1.1) Contract Notice Reference Number: CB006.2.12.067-SUPPLY-PP2-2
Section V: Award of contract
Contract No: 198300-1008/17.02.2022
LOT 3: Supply of personal protective equipment for firefighters
A contract/lot is awarded: yes.
V.1) Information on non-award
The contract/lot is not awarded:
LOT 1: Supply of pick-up truck with a complete equipment for firefighting;
LOT 2: Supply of firefighting Command vehicle;
LOT 4: Supply of fire hoses.
No tenders or requests to participate were received or all were rejected.
VI.3) Additional information:
Should a new tender procedure be launched for this project, a new contract notice will be published, unless the contracting authority awards the contract through a negotiated procedure – in which case only the award of the contract will be published.