ОТКАЖУВАЊЕ НА ТЕНДЕРСКА ПОСТАПКА за "Организирање настани во рамките на Interreg - ИПА програми за прекугранична соработка Бугарија - Србија, Бугарија - Македонија и Бугарија - Турција"



за "Организирање настани во рамките на Interreg - ИПА програми за прекугранична соработка Бугарија - Србија, Бугарија - Македонија и Бугарија - Турција"




1.       Publication reference


2.       Date of publication


3.       Programme title

INTERREG - IPA CBC Programmes Bulgaria - Serbia, Bulgaria - the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Bulgaria - Turkey

4.       Contracting authority

“Territorial Cooperation Management” Directorate within the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works of Republic of Bulgaria (“the Managing/Contracting Authority”)

5.       Reason for cancellation

The tender procedure is cancelled on the basis of point 2.6.13 of PRAG (there have been breach of obligations, irregularities or frauds in the procedure, in particular wherethese have prevented fair competition). In particular the Contracting Authority identified discrepancy regarding number of the events envisaged in two of annexes in published tender dossier. Events to be organized by the Contractor as per Contract notice are 10 while the number of events mentioned in Annex II. Terms of reference are 15 (events under points 8, 11, 12, 13 and 14 are  not given in the Contract notice). Based on the above fair competition and equal treatment of the tenderers in the current tender procedure could not be ensured and Contracting Authority decided to cancel the tender procedure




Should a new tender procedure be launched for this project, a new contract notice will be published, unless the contracting authority awards the contract through a negotiated procedure – in which case only the award of the contract will be published.

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